Working from Home during Covid 19
To fight the current wide spread Covid 19 pandemic, many countries are forced to implement lockdown order or human movement control order (MCO) such as the one used by the Government of Malaysia. It is indeed one of the best ways to use in order to reduce the...
The Importance of Website Maintenance
We came upon many customers who are wondering why they should be paying annually for the website maintenance. For our customers especially the new ones, yes, there will be an annual fee for the website maintenance charged by us. This small amount of fee is...
Trends Down The Road
This article is going to be based solely on our very own opinion. Looking at the technology trend these days, changes are faster than we could imagine. There have been various things happening around in the technology market. Here are some of the new techs that impacted our...
What is the term - Simple design?
Many of us, especially designers or website developers, encountered lots of unexpected comments or feedback from clients. Some are funny, some are stressful, some are just do not make sense at all. However, we understand that there are times where words can't...
The important essential - A Website.
To our surprise, we still come across some of those who do not take into consideration the importance of a website especially those who are in business. There are of course people we met who were very curious and excited to know more about the latest trend in...
Revamping our website.
Oopsie! We are sorry that you are seeing some incomplete content here at our website. We are currently revamping the whole website where we wish to bring something fresh for our customers or visitors. For this, we have been working really really hard to keep the website as...